During spaceflight and simulated microgravity (bedrest) a human being is submitted to various environmental factors (microgravity, confinement, reduced physical inactivity, radiation..) supposed or proven to induce morphological and functional disturbances on most of the physiological system (cardio-vascular, bone, muscle, mental activity…) of which we do not know exactly the degree of reversibility especially for the cardiovascular system.. The impact of real or simulated microgravity on the main physiological systems is already well documented, while those of the confinement are not because in spaceflight it is difficult to distinguish between the role of these 2 factors and in bedrest there is no real confinement. 

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Several studies of various duration were performed on healthy subjects to identify the impact of confinement and more precisely the role of the mental stress on the human being: ISEMSI 28days : – EXEMSI 60days – SFINCSS 110d – 240 days - HUBES - MARS 105days. Heart rate decreased during confinement, and oxydative stress increased. Renin, aldosteron, angiotensin, and arginin vasopressin increased. Creatinin increased in relation with reduced water intake (hypo-hydration) and reduced physical activity. Cell and humoral immunity were decreased. Body weight and water loss and increased sodium were also reported. Lastly a reduction in rapid memory acuity was mentioned.
The hypothesis of the MARS 500 study was that subjects in confinement may present vascular morphological and or functional changes in relation with the mental stress generated by the life in isolated condition or the environmental factors associated with the confined area.

The objective of our experiement was to investigate during and after the confinement period peripheral (upper and lower part of the body) and central arteries and veins, as already done in other extreme environment like microgravity, bedrest, immersion (Carotid, and Femoral arteries – Portal, Femoral, and Tibial, veins) during and after 520 day in confinement. A dedicated method based on echographic volume capture was used for the study to make the untrained and isolated subjects capable to capture images of the vessels without any assistance from outside.