Scientific research programs

Research Thematics

Assessment of human being in extreme environment and with aging

  • Cardiovascular adaptation to real (spaceflight) and simulated (bedrest) microgravity to confinement, dry immersion (Cardiac, deep and peripheral arteries and veins, muscle...)
  • Assessment of Vascular remodelling in relation with aging, space, and confinement Evaluation of adapted counter measures.
  • Impact of the microgravity induced fluid shift on the cephalic organs (brain, Thyroid, eye) and hemodynamics (intracranial flow), and on vision performance.
  • Evaluation of the central and peripheral vasomotor response to orthostatic test.
  • Quantification of sub clinical organ / vessel modification during spaceflight as predictors of future pathologies or accelerated aging effect

Development and validation of Tele echography systems

  • Tele Medicine/Echography (Tele operated, Robots, Motorized transducer and 3D echography) in isolated rural medical center and Tele imaging with the Space Station.